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Struggling to meet an assignment deadline?

Let me help... if you provide me with the essay question, I can carry out the research for you, providing you with a document identifying a variety of different references that you can use in answering the question concisely and accurately.


Are you seeking to produce a document assessing the archaeological potential of a particular area as part of an initial assessment exercise in advance of prospective development? Let me help to produce the historic environment analysis that can be submitted for consideration in advance of any forthcoming planning application.


Do you want to know more about a specific house, building or structure?

Let me help... I can provide maps, documents and all available information about the house, building or structure including architectural history and/or occupational history either in note form or as a report including maps, plans and photographs .


Are you seeking to produce a document appraising the character and special interest of a particular area in order to demonstrate the impact of future proposals on its historic integrity? Let me help to generate the historic environment analysis that can inform by providing an accurate record of those aspects of the area that need to be preserved and those negative features that could be enhanced.


Are you seeking to produce a document describing the physical form of an area, its history, places, streets and buildings. Let me help to produce the analysis in order to aid an understanding of the particular attributes that make up the current area, how its character varies within its boundaries and how this local distinctiveness might inform future approaches to managing growth and change?


Are you seeking to produce a document appraising the potential archaeological character of an area that you require research assistance with?  Let me assist you by ploughing through primary (and secondary) source material in order to produce a comprehensive accumulation of data that can assist you with your final report.

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